Jan. 21 | 2020
Ph.D., Agricultural Education, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA, 2010
M.S., Agricultural Education, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, U.S.A., 2007
DESS (Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées), Training Engineering (Ingénierie et Gestion des Systèmes de Formation), CESAG, Dakar, Sénégal, 2003
M.S., Food Science and Technology, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, USA, 1987
B.S., Engineer of Applied Sciences, Option Agriculture, Institut Polytechnique Rural (IPR) of Katibougou, Koulikoro Mali, 1981
2021-Present Chief of Party Burkina Faso, Browse and Grass Growers Cooperative (BGGC). Increasing Food Security, Nutrition and Income Generation for Low Resource Farmers, Women and Youth, Burkina Faso. Farmer-to-Farmer, AVOP Small Grants.
2010-2020 Regional Coordinator, Sasakawa Africa Funds for Extension Education (SAFE). Mali, Burkina Faso, & Benin. Responsibilities included:
2019-2020 Administered the e-learning platform and participated in Train the Trainers (TOTS) on e-learning principles at the University of Segou, Mali.
2014-2020 Representative of Winrock International
2012-2017 Coordinator of the “Capacity Building of Farmers Based Organizations around Value Chain Commodities” Project in four administrative regions of Mali; project funded by the Nippon Foundation and implemented by SAFE.
- Development of several teaching and training materials: Cooperative Management, Andragogy and Adult Learning, Value Chain Approach, Leadership in Entreprises, Food Technology and Processing, Food Quality and Standards, Value Chain SEPs.
2010-2020 Developed Lesson Plans, training Materials, and Co-facilitated the training on Value Chain Approach and Facilitation and Application on the Ground for SAA-SAFE staff in Ethiopia.
- Performed 10 training of trainers (TOTs) sessions on value chain approach in Mali and Burkina Faso.
- Organized and established five Multi-Actors Value Chain Platforms, in the scope of the FBOs Capacity Building Project, Mali, funded by Nipon Fondation.
- Participated in the establishment of the Sesame Inter-profession in Mali, in the scope of the FBOs Capacity Building Project, Mali, funded by Nipon Fondation.
- Participated in the establishment of the Society Guarantee Funds/Farmers Owned Micro Credit Network in Mali, in the scope of the FBOs Capacity Building Project in Mali funded by the Nipon Fondation.
- Lecturer, “Research Methodology in Social Sciences” and “Value Chain” courses at Agricultural College of IPR/IFRA and University of Segou, Mali.
- Lecturer, “Supervised Enterprise Projects” at the University of Segou in Mali, and at the Polytechnic Rural University of Bobo Dioulasso in Burkina Faso.
- Lecturer, Post-Harvest and Climate Change for doctoral students of West African Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) Mali.