Training Videos
Series of Poultry Trainings
by Jon Moyle Ph.D.
- Getting Started Raising Chickens – Day One – video (1 hour French/English)
First steps to raising chickens as a small business - Production Management – Day Two – video (1 hour French/English)
This segment covers the essential steps to raising a chicken to be healthy and productive. - Preventing Disease – Day Three – video (1 hour French/English)
First steps to raising chickens as a small business - Poultry Breeding – video (13 minutes Moore)
- Poultry Breeding – video (12 minutes French)
Remote Training Highlights
Due to the challenges of volunteering during COVID-19, a national volunteers are paired with a remote U.S. volunteer. This approach is a strategic response to the ongoing uncertainty around COVID-19 transmission and provides an opportunity for F2F to continue to serve host organizations during a time when international travel from the U.S. is restricted. Different from traditional volunteer assignments, paired remote U.S. volunteer assignments use precise information (description, photos, videos, video calls, brochures, etc.) for volunteer correspondence that answers technical questions, and provides real-time or pre-recorded training. A volunteer from the served country is paired with the remote U.S. volunteer. This approach is a strategic response to the ongoing uncertainty around COVID-19 transmission. The selected highlights from the trainings demonstrates the success of this process.
- Business Planning – video (4 min)
Farmer to Farmer volunteer Neelam Canto-Lugo is working together with participants in Burkina Faso to build their skills in business. In this moment, Neelam discusses how the context of a business can impact its success. - Supporting Employment for Women – video (2 min)
Farmer to Farmer volunteer Neelam Canto-Lugo provides her insight of the importance of support, education and entrepreneurship for women in Burkina Faso. - Outcomes and Benefits of Zoom – video (4 min)
On the second day of training, Farmer to Farmer volunteer Dave Pearce asked participants about what they had learned and how Zoom can be beneficial for themselves and others. - Yes, and Then Some – video (2 min)
Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Dave Pearce has endless wisdom and experience to pass along during his training. Oftentimes, volunteers and participants connect over their unique metaphors from their home countries to motivate them and encourage others. Although we can’t interact in-person, learning new things and having a laugh continue to serve as a wonderful way to connect. - The Importance of Mentors – video (5 min)
Mentors can be a large part of why new entrepreneurs become successful. Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Neelam Canto-lugo shares why mentors can help people and asks participants to share their personal experience with mentorship.
Misc Topics
- Utilizing GPS as a grazing teaching tool – video (3 min)
GPS tracking and analysis to aid in the understanding of small ruminant nutrient intake in collaboration with the New Mexico State University Farmer to Farmer volunteers - Straw Urea Enhancement for Feeding Sheep and Goats – video (5 min)
Treating low quality crop residues such as maize or wheat straw with urea is an easy method to increase digestibility and productivity of small ruminants especially during the dry season. Watch this video for a step-by-step guide! - Changing Perceptions of People with Disabilities in Burkina Faso – video (9 min)
People with disabilities are often overlooked in agricultural production in Burkina Faso, West Africa but they have many skills to offer. Through the Farmer-To-Farmer Program, Dr. Salifou Ouédraogo volunteered with a group of disabled farmers who are eager to learn and increase their production.
Downloadable Resources and Training Series
- Manual: Basic Concepts in Poultry Farming in Developing Communities – pdf (132 pages)
by Jon Moyle Ph.D. Translation by Bara Kassambara
(French Version Available) - Series of Poultry Trainings
by Volunteer Jon Moyle Ph.D.
Introduction to basic poultry start up and management- Getting Started in Poultry – pdf (40 pages)
- Basic Poultry Production Management – pdf (41 pages)
- Improving Feeds-Including Local feeds – pdf (33 pages)
- Common Poultry Diseases – pdf (46 pages)
- Improving Hygiene and Preventing Disease – pdf (42 pages)
- Genetic Improvement Methods for Local Breeds – pdf (23 pages)
- Small Ruminant Trainings
by Volunteer Daniel Miller DVM, Ph.D.- Manual: Secrets to Improve Small Ruminant Productivity (French) – pdf (40 pages)
by Dan Miller DVM and Assa Kante Ph.D. - Trainers Template – pptx (41 slides)
- Small Ruminant Health, PowerPoint with commentary – zip (468 MB)
- Manual: Secrets to Improve Small Ruminant Productivity (French) – pdf (40 pages)
- Series of Entrepreneurship Trainings
by Volunteer Neelam Canto-Lugo
Introduction to entrepreneurship, communication, and small business development- Consensus Building – pdf (13 pages)
- Networking – pdf (12 pages)
- Organizational Goals – pdf (18 pages)
- Sustainable Development – pdf (8 pages)
- Youth Entrepreneur Program -pdf (18 pages)
- Budgeting Steps – pdf (10 page)
- French version – pdf (10 page)
- Business Plan Templates – pdf (13 page)
- Marketing Foundation – pdf (31 pages)
- Fundamental Principles of Public Speaking (French) – pdf (13 pages)
- Why Write a Business Plan – pdf (9 pages)
- Winning Business Plan – pdf (20 pages)
- Managing Cash Flow – pdf (9 pages)
- Utilizing GPS Herding Data as a Teaching Tool
by Volunteer Matt McIntosh, PhD- Research GPS – pdf (2 pages)
Using GPS Herding Data as a Teaching Tool in Segou Region, Mali. Janet Ott Matthew M. McIntosh New Mexico State University Sounkalo Traore Konimba Bengaly University of Ségou Andres F. Cibils New Mexico State University, Common Pastures Project. - Applications for GPS use on Livestock animals in Burkina Faso – pdf (13 pages)
Overview of grazing patterns of small ruminants demonstrating availability of low quality nutrition. They would benefit from more time spent grazing outside of penned areas or from being fed higher quality feeds when in penned areas. - How to use the igotU GPS for Livestock Tracking – pdf (29 pages)
Directions on how to set up the trackers in French and English. Examine grazing behavior and whereabouts of sheep, cattle, and goats to inform local and seasonal management and nutrient challenges.
- Research GPS – pdf (2 pages)
- F2F Remote-Paired Volunteer Model
- Volunteer Guide and Expectations – pdf (2 pages)
Related Resources From Other Organizations
- Pastoralism – video (2 min)
Did you know that it is possible to produce food sustainably by making the most of climate and environmental variability? As climate change creates increasingly unpredictable living conditions, pastoralists know how to use this variability to their advantage. Their production systems guide us towards a sustainable future.Watch Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium animated video and immerse yourself for a few minutes in this little-known yet inspiring way of life. All over the world, livestock keepers practice pastoralism in harmony with nature. This video, realized by Cartoonbase, is an initiative of CELEP (Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism), Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium and MISEREOR with funding from the Association of German Dioceses, the Belgian government and the European Union.Pastoralism, the future of food production – - Azolla- As Livestock Feed – pdf (3 pages)
Azolla is a floating fern which resembles algae and is generally grown in paddy fields or shallow water bodies. It multiplies rapidly and is highly nutritious. Rich in proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B12 and Beta- Carotene). - Groundnuts Spacing – pdf (4 pages)
Optimal spacing for groundnuts in smallholder farming systems is important to increase planting density. Groundnut generates multiple benefits by boosting yields of grain and fodder per unit area, enhancing soil fertility, improving water retention, and preventing weed growth, thereby raising farmers’ food security and incomes. - Women farming wild species such as Cassia tora – pdf (3 pages)
Women play an important role in domesticating nutritious wild species in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger both for sale and home consumption.