Feb. 16 | 2020

President of Katibougou Farmers’ Cooperative «Sigi tè mogo son», Koulikoro Region, Mali

Mr. Amadou Diaby is an early out of school child who worked three years as shepherd for the neighbor of his family in Katibougou, Mali. Quickly, he discovered the profit made by the small ruminant herd owner, including an increase in animals’ number, milk and organic manure productions, income through animal sales and social consideration. When his employer paid him his six months overdue salaries, immediately he seized this unique opportunity and decided to start his own business. He bought a couple of sheep and a couple of goats. After three years, his herd increased to 15 animals and yet his main concern remained milk production for his family consumption as he was producing only 0.25 liter of milk per day.

In 2015, thanks to VEGA/F3P Mali program support, Katibougou Farmers’ Cooperative received one improved Sahelian buck and one improved Bali-Bali ram to start a breeding program, plus training workshops provided by VEGA/F3P volunteers.

Today Mr. Diaby is the proud owner of a herd of 520 small ruminants (500 goats and 20 sheep), all improved breeds. He is producing per day six liters of goat milk from which two liters are consumed by his family and four liters are sold for cash at $0.8 (400 F CFA) per liter.

Yet, Mr. Diaby can’t meet the ever-increasing goat milk demands of his neighbors who realize its many benefits, including a high nutrient value that is close to breastmilk and assists with brain health and longevity.

Regarding Mr. Diaby’s continuous progress, he has made lots of farmers jealous, some of whom think he possesses a talisman to improve his herd. Regardless, he generously provides advice, free visits and improved breed donations to farmers motivated to progress.

With a certain amount of pride, Mr. Diaby likes to say : “I challenge anyone to come visit my farm if there is any doubt about VEGA/F3P program impacts.”

Amadou Diaby & his herd